Laura Nitowski


3 sets:
10s assault bike @ 95+%
-Rest 30s
50’ burpee broad jumps
-Rest 30s
10s assault bike @ 95+%
-Rest 2-3 min
(Rest 5-10 min)
3 sets:
15s ski erg @ 95+%
-Rest 30s
6 lengths, 50’ shuttle run @ high effort
-Rest 30s
50’ prowler push, heavy/grinder
-Rest 2-3 min

A. Behind-the-neck split jerk
Build to a max for today in 10 min

1 behind-the-neck split jerk @ 80-85% of A
*Should all be fast and clean reps.

C. 1 min AMRAP:
Strict weighted ring dips w/ external rotation on lockout
*Moderate load.
**Leave a few reps in the tank.
-Rest 2-3 min
1 min AMRAP:
Strict weighted ring dips w/ external rotation on lockout
*Easy-ish load.
**Leave a few reps in the tank.
-Rest 2-3 min
1 min AMRAP:
Strict ring dips w/ external rotation on lockout

D1. Pendlay rows
3×5; 30×0 tempo; Rest 1 min
D2. Double DB bent over rows
3×8-10; 30×0 tempo; Rest 2 min

E. 5 sets:
.5 miles assault bike @ 80%
10 squat cleans – reset each rep
-Rest 2 min
*Start squat cleans @ ~185/135. Increase weight per round and drop reps by two: 8 reps 2nd round, 6 reps 3rd round, 4 reps 4th round, 2 reps 5th round.


A. Deadlift-
Build to a Heavy set of 3 in 20 Minutes

B. Rowing Helen
3 Rounds:
500M Row
21 KB Swings, tough
12 Ring Rows

A. Deadlift- Build to a Heavy single in 20 Minutes

B. Cycle Hell-en
3 Rounds:
Assault bike calories (30/20)
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull Ups


5 sets as quickly as possible:
5 squat cleans (225/155) – drop each rep
-Rest 2 min
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 min @ 70%:
30s hang from pegboard – switch arms throughout
50 single-unders
200m run
(Rest 3-5 min)
3 sets @ 97%:
8 overhead squats (155/105)
5 burpee box jump overs (30″/24”)
-Rest 3 min
*Try to move as quickly as possible on cycle time on these.
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 min @ 70%:
30s hang from pegboard – switch arms throughout
50 reverse single-unders
200m run


Teams of 2, partners alternate rounds:
For time:
Power snatch, tough
200m Run

Teams of 2, partners alternate rounds:
Squat snatch (135/95)
200m Run


200m run @ gradually escalating pace
-Rest 1 min
400m run @ gradually escalating pace
-Rest 1 min
600m run @ gradually escalating pace
-Rest 1 min
800m run @ gradually escalating pace
-Rest 1 min
1000m run @ gradually escalating pace

A. E2min for 4 sets:
Squat clean + Front squat + Split jerk + Front squat + Split jerk

B. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip
Build to a max for today in 10 min

C. 3 sets:
6 min row @ 85%
-Rest/walk 2 min
(Rest as needed)
20 min @ 80%:
100’ suitcase carry, right (88/70)
100’ bear crawl
100’ suitcase carry, left (88/70)
50’ handstand walk
1 mile assault bike


A. 8 minute AMRAP:
3/side DB TGU, tough
15 KB swings, tough

B1. HR push ups- 3x AMRAP (-3 reps)
B2. Chin ups- 3xAMRAP (-2 reps)
B3. Band pull-aparts- 3×10-12
*Quick rest between each exercise

C. 3 sets:
30s Stir-the-pot
Quick rest
30s Russian twist W/ slam ball
Quick rest

A. 8 minute AMRAP:
3/side DB TGU (55/30)
15 KB swings (70/53)

B1. HR push ups- 3x AMRAP (-3 reps)
B2. Chin ups- 3xAMRAP (-2 reps)
B3. Band pull-aparts- 3×10-12
*Quick rest between each exercise

C. 3 sets:
30s Stir-the-pot
Quick rest
30s Russian twist W/ slam ball
Quick rest


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