Laura Nitowski


A. Safety back squat
Build to a tough single for today

B. 3 sets:
12s assault bike @ 95+%
-Rest 30s
50’ burpee broad jumps
-Rest 2-3 min

C1. Snatch deadlift w/ pause below-the-knee – 2” platform
3×4; Rest 15s
*Use straps. Reset each rep.
**Prioritize positions over load.
C2. DB death march
3x45s; Rest 15s
C3. Glute bridge w/ foot elevated on medball
3×45-60s/side; Rest 2-3 min

D. For time:
30 hang-to-inverted w/ straight arms

E1. Wall press dead bugs
3×45-60s; Rest 30s
E2. Seated leg raises
3×45-60s/side; Rest 2 min


Teams of 2, One person working at a time:
4 sets:
750M row
800m Run (200m segments)

Teams of 2, One person working at a time:
4 sets:
Bike calories (40/30)
800m Run (200m segments)


5 sets:
6 touch-and-go hang power cleans (moderately tough but fast)
6 bar-facing burpees as fast as possible
-Rest/walk 3-5 min
*Cycle this stuff quickly.
(Rest 10 min)
10 min @ 70%:
10 increments, 50’ shuttle run
10-20s L-sit hang from rope
20 step-ups, alternating (24″/20”)
(Rest 5 min)
3 sets @ 97%:
8 deadlifts (touch-and-go – moderately tough)
25’ sled push (fast) OR 100m sprint
-Rest 3-5 min
*Try to move as quickly as possible on cycle time on these.
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 min @ 70%:
10 increments, 50’ shuttle run
50’ handstand walk
20 step-ups, alternating (24″/20”)


3 rounds:
1 minute wall balls, tough
1 minute Ball slams, tough
1 minute box jumps, step down, tough
1 minute DB push press, tough
1 minute row cals

3 rounds:
1 minute wall balls (20/14)
1 minute Ball slams, (30/20)
1 minute box jumps (24/20)
1 minute push presses (75/55)
1 minute row cals


20 min @ 70%:
500m row
100’ farmer’s walk (easy)
30 single-unders
(Rest as needed)
10 min assault bike
*Go for it if it feels good.


A. Back Squat- Build to a heavy 3 in 15 Minutes

B. 10 rounds for time:
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings, tough
8 Wall Balls, tough

A. Overhead Squat- Build to a heavy 3 in 15 Minutes

B. 10 rounds for time:
4 Burpees to 6″ target
6 KB Swings (53/35)
8 Wall Balls (20/14)
*Rig targets only


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